Hello friends, my name is Lori-Anne and I have been an educator for 22+ years. I haven’t had a website for a long time so I’m feeling like a newbie again. I will be writing more in the coming months, but THANK YOU for taking the time to visit this site!

Hello friends and future friends! I’m Lori-Anne. I am an educator, daughter, sister, auntie, empire builder, gardener and mom to 2 furry animals. When I’m not teaching, I enjoy sewing, reading, movies, hanging with friends and family, travelling, tennis and tea! I actually have time to do all these things!
School Things I Love!
Back to School Shopping, hugging my students, teaching math rotations, read alouds!
Non School Things I Love!
Tea, England, Reading, Gardening, being with family and friends
Teacher Devotions
My faith is super important to me! I would not be
where I am, except by the Grace of God!
“And let us not grow weary of
doing good, for in
due season we will
reap, if we do not give up.”
Galations 6:9