Welcome to Primary Math Resources Main Page (PMR)!
I love math! (Yes, you see me write it everywhere. But I do!) It has taken years to develop a math program that I enjoy teaching and the students are engaged. I still tweak it every year because my class dynamic is different every year. This page will take you to various primary math resources and ideas that I use in my class. Feel free to connect with me if you need help developing your program.
Components to Your Math Program
When compiling your primary math resources, you should start with the program you will be following. As I have taught every elementary grade, the expectation for a program is different. In the upper elementary grades, I find that most teachers stick to a curriculum resource-based program. But in the primary grades, well it feels that every teacher does their own thing. We do have a Ministry of Education curriculum that we are mandated but it doesn’t say “how” we are to teach it. When I was a new teacher, this was an overwhelming task!
In most math programs, there are between 5-7 strands of math:
- number sense
- operations
- measurement
- patterns
- probability & statistics
- word problems
- financial literacy
Do those match up with your state’s or province’s curriculum? In this part of the website, I hope to create pages for each of these strands. In the primary grades, there are lots of teacher websites/blogs but not many that specialize in primary math. Do you know of any? Please share below! One website that I like, though it is horribly organized, is a retired math teacher, Sandra Ball. I use a lot of her dot pages for my number talks.
For actual Primary Math Resources, click on the link. In the meantime, below are a couple math videos I created (prior to Covid). I will be making more this coming year as I’m back to teaching face to face (yippee!).
Let me know if you are looking for something specific with your math program!