Have you seen a TPT hashtag sale in your Instagram feed? I see them regularly. Once I considered just adding a hashtag to one of my TPT products to see what would happen. I’m glad I didn’t!
What is a TPT Hashtag Sale?
Basically, a hashtag sale is when a group of sellers combine their efforts to hold their own sale. They create a hashtag that is used by the group. You could do this on your own but one of the benefits to joining a larger group is that their audiences will see your product. More eyes = more sales!
Pros and Cons of a Hashtag Sale?
- more eyes = more sales (I think I just said that)
- possibly more followers
- extra sales, especially if you are hearing crickets
- Your products are usually selling for $1
- You might not get any sales for your effort (this signals other problems with your products)
Results of My First Hashtag Sale?
If you want to see the video of the results, click here or below.
Let’s just say it was fine. I made about 5 or 6 sales. Very little advertising was done, so I was happy to have made some sales, even at $1 (actually 80¢ after fees). No followers were gained, however, I started getting consistent sales afterwards. I even bettered by September 2020 sales (which had been my best month for 2020), so I’m looking at it as a #win.
What Do You Need To Do?
My first recommendation would be to join a group. I joined a group on Facebook. There are at least 3 that I know (and have now added my name to their lists). For example: School of Sellers, Boom Hashtag Sellers, and TPT Sales-R-Us. Request to join their groups.
Hashtag sales can be monthly or a couple times a year. I wouldn’t recommend monthly as that can be a hit to your earnings. I’m considering 1 a season.
When you join one, make sure to follow the rules! Groups will remove you and watch your actions (for a while) if you break rules.
Most hashtag groups will provide instructions for posting on social media and what to do in TPT. Here is “Product Listing” is what you usually do (see image below). Change your title and add the discount price. Set a reminder to change them back after the sale!

That should get you started. Let me know if you have participated in a hashtag sale and your results. I would love to hear about it. If you are looking for more information about selling on Teachers Pay Teachers, you can find post on TPT here. Also, join my Side Hustle Help for TPT & Boom Email or Facebook Group.
Until then,
Happy Selling!
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